Family Shoots

Update Your Walls

Family shoots are for everyone, whatever the family, no matter how big or small, whatever the ages, whatever the needs.

I’m guilty myself of rarely being in my family photographs. I’m always behind the camera, or busy parenting and not being in the shot. Family images are so important. As the kids grow up and move out and the family changes shape with new babies or partners these are the moments you’ll want to look back on. Remember when Billy went through the gothic phase? Remember when Jill used to carry that little bunny with her everywhere? These are the moments.

That said, photos are not just for looking back, they’re also for marking the NOW in your lives. I often go into people’s homes for consultations and clients proudly show me the photos on their walls of their family. I love looking at these, its a natural curiosity, little snapshots of fun days out, moments they’ve shared, a hint of their identity. Frequently I hear that the images are a few years old and they have all changes since then, or that they were taken before their latest addition arrived.

You don’t need to wait for a big occasion like a family wedding or reunion to get photos of you together. Family shoots are just that, a shoot of your family, together in the now.

Many families use their updated images to hang on their walls in their homes, but they also are great for sharing with relatives far and wide who you’ve not seen in a while, or going on the annual calendars/cards you may make.

Why Go Outdoors?

Outdoor shoots are great for capturing families in a natural setting. The environment around you creates a perfect backdrop to your images and all the natural light is great for bringing out the colours (and good for your vitamin D too!)

With a 1 hour shoot we can move around in the shoot location, creating a nice mix of images for your final collection. This is one of the main perk of outdoor sessions, the background isn’t static, so the background in your images is different throughout your shots.

The other huge advantage of working outside, is that people feel more at ease with more space. People can be apprehensive about having their photos taken if it isn’t something they are used to. Having more space to move, and being able to be more flexible with how and where we shoot generally puts people at ease. Children aren’t restricted and are able to move around and burn off some energy without worrying about lighting stands and backdrops. The sunlight is everywhere and the backdrop is never ending.

Booking Information

Family sessions can be booked any time. That’s the beauty of them. But don’t put it off and find you never get around to it. It’s an enjoyable experience and we should all making memories to share.

Family sessions are 1 hour and can be taken at a location of your choice. If you don’t have somewhere that you really want to go for yours, I always have a list of places that would work well.

I take the session fee of £75 on booking and this covers your shoot on the day with individual photo editing and your photo gallery which will be available 14 days after your shoot.
Your image and print options will not need to be paid until you have viewed your images and chosen your package.

Please click here to drop me a message for bookings, enquiries and availability.

Package Options

Package One

The Print Package


  • Five Photographic Prints (one 12×8″, two 7×5″, two 6×4″)
  • One high resolution digital download of one of your chosen prints

Package Two

The Digital Package


  • Five high resolution digital images via download
  • One 12×8″ print from one of your chosen digital downloads

Package Three

The Complete Package


  • All high resolution images from collection on disk or USB
  • One 12×16″ print

Framed images, quality prints and canvasses available on request